The Relationship between the Five Elements and Planets

The relationship between the Five Elements and planets lacks a direct scientific connection but has symbolic and cultural associations in traditional Chinese culture and astrology. In fields such as traditional Chinese medicine, the I Ching, Feng Shui, and astrology, the Five Elements and planets are often combined to interpret and predict changes.

Here are general associations between the Five Elements and some planets:

  1. Metal - Venus: Both metal and Venus are associated with beauty, art, and wealth.

  2. Wood - Jupiter: Both wood and Jupiter are linked to growth, development, and expansion.

  3. Water - Mercury and Jupiter: Water element and planets like Mercury and Jupiter are often associated with communication, flow, and wisdom.

  4. Fire - Mars: Both fire element and Mars are related to vitality, enthusiasm, and impulsiveness.

  5. Earth - Saturn: Earth element and Saturn are typically associated with stability, solidity, and conservatism.